Events and Fun Things

Dinners and Fun Days for 2024

We have the ever popular Saturday night theme dinners lined up for this season and also a few other events still in the wings so watch this space for a couple of additions that will run as well as these dinner nights. We hope to bring you lots of family fun weekends, great social times with friends and hopefully some absolutely amazingly fabulous live music.  If we manage to get some time on the slopes with great snow that will be a bonus but regardless we will be at the lodge enjoying our weekends away this winter.

Remember to check in to the FaceBook members page and nominate your dish for the dinner nights – or if you are a member guest or just a member who doesn’t do the ” ‘book” just send an email through to bookings and we can post your offering on the page.

We’ll also post a link to the on mountain events on the BLC calendar as soon as it becomes available.  We’re expecting the usual array of Club Happy Hours, lodge events and the Junior Races.



June Long Weekend

Saturday 8th June 2024

Amongst a long weekend workbee there will be the first of the scheduled Saturday night dinner functions for 2024.  Dinner theme to be announced soon and watch this space for details of more fun to be had this weekend.

School Holidays Weekend 1 – Sunday BBQ

Sunday 14 July 2024

To kick of the school holidays stay at the lodge we’re swapping out the usual Saturday dinner for Sunday lunch.  It’s Sunday Sausage Sizzle (or anything else that you care to put on the BBQ) for lunch this weekend.  Hopefully some sun to bask in while we enjoy the view from our holidays getaway spot.


School Holidays Weekend 2 – Pasta and Pizza

Saturday 20 July 2024

It’s the end of the school holidays so let’s have a comfort food night – bring along a dish of your favourite pasta or a platter of pizza to share on the big table.


NTAC Christmas In July

Saturday 27 July 2024

Come and join us for our Annual Christmas In July dinner. We’re still working on the details for this one … but it will be some sort of communal Saturday night dinner combined with some Christmas festivity without having to wait for real Christmas …

Soup and Sweets

Saturday 3 August 2024

A popular theme but one that we haven’t done since 2019 – it’s the return of bring a soup or sweet to share on the big table.


Any Curry Night

Saturday 10 August 2024

Another popular dinner theme back by popular demand so start to hunt up those favourite curry recipes again.  It can be Indian, Thai or even Keens – just bring along your favourite curry dish to share on the big table.

Bring your favourite

Saturday 17 August 2024

A simple and fun dinner – just bring along your favourite dish to share on the big table.  It can be a starter, a main, a sweet – whatever takes your fancy.

Mexican Night

Saturday 24 August 2024

We’ve done it before (many times now) and yes we’re going to do it again. It’s Mexican night again at NTAC.

Italian Night

Saturday 31 August 2024

We’ve done the casual pizza and pasta in the school holidays but now it’s time to see out August with the best of your Italian.  Take up the challenge and bring something new to the table.